February 23, 2008

The Crunch (or something like it)

Well, there are basically only four days left in term (I suppose five if you count tomorrow), so on the positive side, I'll be on "vacation" in less than a week. I use the term vacation lightly though since I imagine, I will be either: working on stuff for Extinction, working on stuff for my DFS, working on a map for CoD4 (potentially), starting to plan my Thesis, and maybe occasionally not "working." I think GDC lit a fire under me in terms of working on making stuff for my portfolio and starting to really show off my skills, though that is not necessarily the best thing for helping me focus on school.

On the more negative side of this whole "four days left" thing, there's a seemingly unsurmountable amount of stuff between there and here, like:
  • Finishing my Programming Final Project (Thursday)
  • Finishing/Testing the Extinction Prototype (Tuesday)
  • Creating the Extinction Asset and Dev Plan (Tuesday)
  • Preparing a Demonstration of Extinction (Thursday)
  • Preparing for my Level Design Final (Wednesday)
  • Writing a Proposal for my DFS (???)
I guess it's not really anything new to be staring out at the great maw that is the end of term, but it always manages to get me regardless. Anyway, I'll do what I can and I suppose that's all I can do. Anyway, if my posting becomes a little sparse for the next few days, at least now you know why :).

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