June 23, 2008

Today just kicked my @$$

Wow. I'm not sure really what to make of today, but it feels like I got hit by a freight train. Short of Friday evening, I did nothing but work this entire weekend and I'm still behind on just about everything. We had a milestone for our LD "mini-level," today and I'm pretty sure it completely destroyed me. I got a lot done, the major geometry was finished, a good portion of the gameplay was finished or at least represented in some way, but still. The professor tends to be pretty strict about meeting certain requirements and for all my efforts I just couldn't do it. What's done is done I suppose, and that's not really what I'm worried about. It's more about how on Earth I am going to hit the next milestone on Thursday.

I've still got a lot of work to do on the GDD and I simply have no idea how I am going to put this all together, not mention the time I am missing at the end of this week for my friend's wedding. Not that I mean to cast aspersions or blame in that direction, I most certainly do not, it's just a case of really unfortunate timing. Added to the fact that the Guildhall has once again proven it is oblivious to what reasonable amount of work we can handle. Either they know and they don't care or they just don't know, and I suppose the optimistic side of me presumes the latter. I mean, the professor actually intends for this project to be done mostly in class, but I (and most of the other students) put in plenty of time yesterday and today (probably ~10 hours) to get a "headstart" only to come up short during the five hours we had in class.

I know there's nothing more I can do about this particular milestone, but its damned frustrating. I could not have worked harder this weekend, and while I can try to take solace in that fact, it doesn't mean a better grade, a grade which may deny me the option to use the editor I want for my final project. In truth, I haven't really settled on what editor I want to use, but the principle of the thing just drives me crazy, and I'd certainly like the option. Our current LD professor decided to motivate us by giving us the option to pick our own engine (most notably Unreal 3) for our DFS, but only if we manage to ace this assignment (including the doc). People were pretty universally hosed on the document as far as I heard, so the whole thing seems a bit suspect. Anyway, it's just a big frustrating, tiring mess on top of everything else. Now, I really, really need to get to work if I want to get any sleep this week...

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